Kittila (KTT) flight times
Flight lengths from KTT
Flight length is the distance of a flight. Commercial flights are often categorized into long-, medium- or short-haul by commercial airlines based on flight length. The definition of long, medium or short haul flight can differ between airlines. Below is a table with's own definition with the number of destinations in each category from Kittila.
Short haul (0-3h), 10 destinations
Medium haul (3-6h), 19 destinations
Long haul (6-12h), 0 destinations
Ultra-long haul (12+h), 0 destinations
All routes and flight times from KTT
List of active airlines routes from KTT with flight times. Sorted by flight time.
0h 30m
1h 45m
1h 55m
3h 05m
3h 30m
3h 35m
3h 55m
4h 35m